February 18

” You plotted evil against me, but God turned it into good, in order to preserve the lives of many people who are alive today because of what happened.“ Genesis 50:20 (GNT)

When we face difficulties, we need a bit of explanation sometimes. And it is God’s goodness that explains everything. The book of Genesis teaches us that, when Joseph revealed himself to his brothers after their betrayal, he said to them, You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good. You see, God’s goodness  brought explanation to a very bad experience and circumstance. When we understand that God’s goodness explains the unexplainable, it empowers us to trust Him. It frees us from becoming bitter at what has been done to us. Whatever the enemy sends to defeat you in life, God Almighty will bend it to complete you and your family. This week, you will see God’s goodness. Every evil plot against you shall be turned around to favor the prophecy concerning your life in Jesus’ name.

Welcome to your week of Divine Turnaround (DTA).