December 16

“So I say to my soul, “Don’t be discouraged. Don’t be disturbed. For I know my God will break through for me.” Psalms 42:11(TPT)

It is not uncommon to find many people in the church today who are born again but feel left behind and so feel dejected and rejected for one reason or the other. But if you look at your life in retrospect, you will realize that you have plenty of reasons to praise God over and over again. Yes, He is our saving grace!.“* Like the Psalmist, you have a choice to be hopeful or hopeless. Beloved of God, refuse depression though the circumstances around you look gloomy because God will definitely come through for you. As you look up to God, in the remaining days of this year, He will answer you with great miracles, and you shall glorify His Holy name. God will cause the brightness of His glory to light up your countenance in a spectacular way. As the Lord liveth, this year shall end well & gloriously for you in the mighty name of Jesus.

Welcome to your week of supernatural upliftment.