April 7

” Let the message about Christ completely fill your lives while you use all your wisdom to teach and instruct each other. With thankful hearts, sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.” Col. 3:16 (CEV)

Beloved, a thankful mindset keeps you in touch with the Almighty God. He hates it when His children grumble and complain, casually despising His sovereignty. Those that complained in the wilderness got destroyed (see 1 Cor. 10:10). Thankfulness is a safeguard against spiritual cancer or deadly sin. A grateful attitude is a grid through which you should perceive life. Gratitude enables you to see the Light of God’s presence shining on all your circumstances. This week, cultivate a thankful heart because a thankful heart not only glories God but fills you with unspeakable joy. May you have reasons to be joyful all the days of your life in Jesus’ name.

Welcome to your week of intentional gratitude.