April 14

” Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” Proverbs 13:12

Depression can cause you to give up on life. When the job got too big for Moses, he told God in Num. 11:15, “Kill me here and now… and do not let me see my wretchedness!” Certain that Jezebel would make good on her threats to kill him, Elijah asked God to take his life. It is said that the book of Job covers a span of only nine months, but Job’s losses were so devastating that he said in Job 10:1, *”My soul loathes my life.” I pray that all your needs attract the attention of God, and you shall continue to receive His favor, mercy, and protection. The grace of God will overflow into your life. Your mornings will be good, your afternoons will be better, your evenings will be glorious, and your nights will be peaceful. The light of God will shine upon you. God will open the heavens to water your life and keep you evergreen and flourishing in the mighty name of Jesus.

Welcome to your week of timely intervention.