22 September 2024

” But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.”- Matt. 13:25

Saints, we have an enemy who comes from time to time to take advantage of our frailty, weakness, and humanness. Beloved, the fact that you are under attack does not mean that God is not with you ( Matt. 27:46). The enemy did not come because the seed was bad or because the field was not fertile(bad), he came because it was good. The fact that things go wrong is not a sign that God has abandoned you or is not with you. The fact that you have heartache or trouble does not mean you’re on the wrong road or path to destiny fulfillment. It is because something is about to happen in your life that will shock and shake your world. There is a shifting taking place in your favor. Therefore, your seed will command attention and qualify for public announcement. You will not fail your generation but impact lives positively for Christ in Jesus’ name.

Welcome to your week of divine turnaround.